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This is designed for entrepreneurs ready to grow their business in 2024

Have you been struggling with...?
Feeling stuck, unable to overcome doubt and procrastination in your business and life
Working endless hours in your business without getting the results you want
Technology overwhelm needed to run your business efficiently online

     Challenge Yourself To Make a Quantum Leap THIS YEAR!


Well... then stop wasting your precious time and money struggling alone, when you can improve things faster together!


Grow Yourself & Your Business!
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New Year, New Life Challenge

You'll improve your business in three big ways!
To begin your quantum business leap, we'll show you:

1) Understand the Power of your Mind

2) Learn 4 Psychological Stages to Overcome Fears and Procrastination

3) Tips to get your business on No.1 Page of Google for free for more sales!

Design your new life for 2024
  • Gain clarity in your business path to achieve your goals with more ease
  • Rewire your thinking so you can change your habits
  • Introduction to simple (and mostly free) technology that improves your business 

Unleash your greatest potential to create a new outlook in 2024
  • Become unstoppable with the right mindset
  • Banish hidden blocks that hold you back so you can create real and lasting success
  • Map out the technology you'd like to use for your unique business needs
Create a NEW OUTLOOK to fulfill your new life in 2024
  • Create an even more successful self image that rockets your business growth
  • Lead a money-magnet lifestyle so you can turn your annual income into your monthly income
  • Start integrating these technology tips & tricks in your business for an effortless automation
Move forward in your business and make 2024 YOUR Quantum Leap Year!


Meet Your Experts
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Meet Alex Quinn, Founder of Dream Warriors


Alex specializes in helping entrepreneurs and business owners create quantum results using the teachings of Bob Proctor. Bob's legacy as a global leader in personal success training continues as the Proctor Gallagher Institutes (PGI).

As a PGI consultant, Alex trains you how to move beyond perceived limitations to build your ideal business and life. On average, her clients double their income in the first four weeks. Many turn their annual income into monthly income effortlessly.

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 Alex is a Certified PGI consultant at Dream Warriors Coaching. She delivers and facilitates a range of Bob Proctor’s coaching programs, which helps entrepreneurs multiply their income effortlessly and create a life of true FREEDOM. 
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Meet Ren Robertz, Founder of FFJ
Ren Robertz is the founder of the Financial Freedom & Joy! Program  (FFJ). She teaches entrepreneurs to feel more confident, utilize technology to gain more freedom, and grow their own passive income streams. She’s been building businesses since she was 19, growing her first business to over $500,000 in annual sales within 3 years. It remains an industry leader in Los Angeles.
Ren currently manages 5 online businesses and enjoys the freedom lifestyle they support. She can be found running her companies anywhere - from a remote tropical beach to her backyard chicken coop! Ren's big goals include preserving over 12 million acres of wildlife habitat and helping millions of people have more joy & reach financial freedom.
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Ren Robertz is a CEO, transformative business coach, award-winning speaker, and certified in many business tools. She is the creator of the FINANCIAL FREEDOM & JOY! Program, which helps entrepreneurs grow their companies, their income, and their peace of mind.

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Bob Proctor: Prosperity Teacher 
For millions of people, Bob Proctor’s name is synonymous with “success.” And he is known as America’s greatest prosperity teacher. How did Bob come so far? He is linked to the forefathers of the personal development movement and considered the world’s foremost expert on the human mind.

In 1961, Bob Proctor started studying “Think and Grow Rich” every day and it transformed his life. Bob listened to Earl Nightingale’s condensed recording of the book thousands of time. Then, Bob worked shoulder-to-shoulder with Earl Nightingale at Nightingale-Conant from 1968 to 1973, before leaving to start his own personal development company. His book "You Were Born Rich" is a longtime best-seller and he was active in his company Proctor Gallagher (PGI) until passing away in 2022.

Proctor Gallagher believes that most people never realize their full potential because they simply don’t understand the proper way to think. Experience has shown that real success comes from drawing the unique desires and interests, skills, and talents out of each person by developing the mental faculties. And so we concentrate on teaching our audience how the mind really works, and how to expand and develop it to create extraordinary living for themselves and others.
What OTHERS Are Saying
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"My biggest challenge was getting overwhelmed by all the options out there on what I could do. Ren Robertz has an amazing way of taking what seems so complicated and making it simple to dive into your business. Learning specific ways that work was so helpful and took out some of the decision fatigue that came with all the options. You don't need to do it all alone!"
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Michelle DeKeyser, Wisconsin
Business Owner, Podcaster & Best-Selling Author

"My first online business has been running since 2006 and for years everything fell on me to do. After working with FFJ, 75% of all tasks were outsourced to an online VA, turning this into more of a passive income stream for me! The business went from thousands of jumbled emails in three business inboxes, and no bookkeeping data, to smoothly processing all the online orders. Last month only 7 VA hours were needed to run it all!!"
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Tracy Cheney, California
Business Owner, Teacher & Author
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New Year, New Life

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